
Blepharoplasty, a surgical procedure (pronounced BLEF-uh-roe-plas-tee), focuses on removing excess skin from the eyelids. Over time, eyelids can stretch, and supporting muscles weaken, resulting in the accumulation of surplus skin and fat above and below the eyes. This condition can lead to sagging eyebrows, drooping upper lids, and the formation of under-eye bags.

Purpose and Indications

This surgery can address various concerns:


  • Baggy or drooping upper eyelids
  • Excess upper eyelid skin obstructing peripheral vision
  • Lower eyelid sagging or excess skin
  • Under-eye bags


Moreover, blepharoplasty can enhance visual functionality and restore a more youthful and alert appearance to the eyes.

Considerations and Preparation

Before undergoing blepharoplasty, a consultation with healthcare professionals—possibly including a plastic surgeon, ophthalmologist, or oculoplastic surgeon—is necessary. 


Discussions cover:


  • Medical history, including prior surgeries and existing conditions like dry eyes, glaucoma, allergies, circulatory problems, thyroid issues, and diabetes, as well as medication usage and lifestyle habits.
  • Establishing surgical goals and evaluating the suitability of the procedure for individual needs.

Preoperative Assessments

To prepare for the surgery, various assessments are conducted:


  • Comprehensive eye examination, including tear production evaluation and eyelid measurements
  • Visual field testing to determine peripheral vision integrity, crucial for insurance claims
  • Eyelid photography to document medical necessity, potentially supporting insurance claims

Procedure Overview

The surgery is typically outpatient and involves:


  • Upper eyelid incisions along the fold to remove excess skin, muscle, and fat; closure follows.
  • Lower eyelid incisions below the lashes or inside the lower lid to redistribute or remove surplus fat, muscle, and sagging skin; closure completes the procedure.
  • In cases where the upper eyelid droops near the pupil, the surgery might combine blepharoplasty with ptosis, lifting the eyelid while addressing excess skin.

Postoperative Care

After the surgery, a recovery period is observed:


  • Immediate recovery in a monitored setting before heading home to rest
  • Temporary side effects may include blurred vision, light sensitivity, watering eyes, numbness, swelling, bruising, and discomfort.

Recovery Guidelines

Helpful steps for recovery include:


  • Applying ice packs, using prescribed eye drops or ointments, sleeping with an elevated head, using cool compresses, and protecting the eyelids with sunglasses.
  • Avoiding strenuous activities, smoking, eye rubbing, wearing contact lenses, and sun exposure to the delicate eyelid skin.

Expected Results

Post-surgery, many individuals experience increased self-confidence, feeling younger and more refreshed. Results vary, with some enjoying lifelong benefits while others might experience recurring droopy eyelids.

Recovery Timeline

Bruising and swelling generally diminish within 10 to 14 days, while scars from incisions may take months to fade. Protecting the sensitive eyelid skin from sun exposure is vital during recovery.


Post-surgery outcomes from blepharoplasty often yield positive feedback:


  • Increased self-confidence and a perception of looking younger and rejuvenated are commonly reported by recipients.
  • Some individuals enjoy lifelong benefits from the surgery, while others might experience a recurrence of droopy eyelids.


Additionally, the recovery process involves:


  • Gradual reduction in bruising and swelling over 10 to 14 days.
  • The fading of scars resulting from surgical incisions might take several months.
  • Protecting the delicate skin of the eyelids from sun exposure is crucial during the recovery period.
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