In this article, we will be sharing with you how the process unfolds before and after rhinoplasty, and what you need to pay attention to during this period. The recovery after rhinoplasty requires careful attention. We can begin by explaining this process and how to navigate the period before rhinoplasty.

How To Prepare For Rhinoplasty?

To prepare for rhinoplasty (nose surgery), follow these guidelines:

  • Schedule a consultation with a qualified plastic surgeon. Discuss your goals, concerns, medical history, and any medications or supplements you’re taking.
  • Undergo a thorough medical evaluation to ensure you’re a suitable candidate for surgery and to identify any potential risks.
  • If you smoke, quit at least a few weeks before surgery to promote proper healing and reduce the risk of complications.
  • If you’re on any medications or supplements, follow your surgeon’s instructions on whether to adjust or stop them prior to surgery.
  • Refrain from taking blood-thinning medications, as they can increase the risk of bleeding during and after surgery.
  • Arrange for someone to drive you home after the surgery, as you may be groggy from anesthesia.
  • Set up a comfortable recovery area at home with necessary supplies such as pillows, ice packs, and entertainment.
  • Follow your surgeon’s fasting instructions to ensure an empty stomach before surgery.
  • Wear loose, comfortable clothing on the day of surgery that’s easy to put on and take off.
  • Arrange for someone to help you during the initial days of recovery, as you may need assistance with tasks.
  • Adhere to any preoperative guidelines provided by your surgeon, such as skincare routines and hygiene practices.
  • Be mentally prepared for the surgery and the potential emotional aspects of recovery.

What Should Be Considered Before Rhinoplasty?

Before undergoing rhinoplasty, there are several things you should pay attention to:

  • Schedule a thorough consultation with a board-certified plastic surgeon. Clearly communicate your goals, concerns, and expectations for the surgery. This will help the surgeon understand your desires and create a customized surgical plan.
  • Research and select a qualified and experienced plastic surgeon who specializes in rhinoplasty. Look at before-and-after photos, read reviews, and ask for recommendations.
  • Complete a comprehensive medical evaluation. Share your complete medical history, including any allergies, previous surgeries, current medications, and health conditions.
  • Understand that while rhinoplasty can enhance your appearance, it may not result in perfection. Have realistic expectations about the outcome of the surgery.
  • Prioritize your overall health. If you smoke, stop smoking well in advance, as it can hinder healing. Maintain a balanced diet and engage in regular exercise to promote good general health.
  • Follow your surgeon’s instructions regarding medications and supplements. Some medications, especially blood thinners, might need to be adjusted or stopped before surgery.
  • Stay properly hydrated and maintain a healthy diet in the weeks leading up to surgery. This can help support your body’s healing process.
  • Minimize alcohol consumption before surgery, as it can affect your body’s ability to heal and increase the risk of complications.
  • Arrange for someone to drive you home after the surgery and have a support system in place for the initial days of recovery. Prepare a recovery area with necessary supplies.
  • Adhere to any preoperative guidelines provided by your surgeon. This may include skincare routines, avoiding certain foods or beverages, and maintaining proper hygiene.
  • Be mentally prepared for the surgery and the recovery process. Understand that there might be temporary discomfort, swelling, and changes in appearance.
  • Don’t hesitate to ask your surgeon any questions or express any concerns you may have. Open communication is essential for a successful outcome.
  • Understand the cost of the surgery and any associated expenses. Consult your insurance provider if applicable.

The Healing Process After Rhinoplasty

The recovery period following rhinoplasty encompasses the time from immediately after the surgery up to one year afterward. This process can be divided into three phases: early, mid-term, and late, which correspond to post-surgery periods of the first week, starting from the 7th day and lasting up to the 2nd month, and spanning from the 2nd month to 1 year, respectively. During the early phase, frequent visits to the doctor are common. The majority of healing occurs from the 2nd month onwards, although this can vary from person to person.

What Should Be Considered After a Nose surgery?

  • The first thing you need to pay attention to after the surgery is your sleeping position. After the surgery, you should lie with your head elevated and knees bent. You should not try to flatten the bed. This position is important to prevent an increase in swelling.
  • Ice application should be done until you are discharged from the hospital.
  • Six hours after the surgery, you should drink water. If you are not experiencing nausea, you can eat. Soft foods like soup and compote are preferred.
  • If there is an issue like a deviated septum, it is removed during the nose surgery and this can cause bleeding. This is a normal condition. A gauze pad should be placed at the tip of the nose to absorb the blood.
  • Please consult with a medical professional for accurate and up-to-date information regarding post-surgery care.
  • At home, you should also place a pillow or blanket behind your back and sleep in a seated position until your cast is removed after one week.
  • You can take a shower; however, you should wash your hair by leaning backward in the style used by hairdressers. Make sure water does not come into contact with the facial area.
  • Consuming green tea and parsley will help reduce swelling quickly.
  • You should take your medications regularly.
  • The function of moisturizing the inside of the nose returns about one month after the surgery. Therefore, after the cast and packing are removed, you should continue using medications for 2 months. The first one is the “Nasal Spray” (6 times a day), and the other is the “Ointment” (just before bedtime). When I say 6 times a day for the nasal spray, this is a minimum of 6 times.
  • You should touch your nose gently. Makeup is allowed. You can clean it thoroughly in the shower. Your touches should be upwards.
  • Blowing your nose, straining, coughing, bending over, lifting heavy objects can increase the risk of bleeding. You should avoid these movements unless advised otherwise.
  • Avoid using glasses for 2 months. There is no problem with sunbathing, swimming, or going into the sea. Just avoid diving into the water.
  • You should refrain from activities like yoga, pilates, and fitness for 8-10 weeks.
  • Brush your teeth gently with a soft toothbrush.
  • Your follow-up appointments are at the 2nd and 12th month. Make sure not to miss these appointments.
  • Avoid getting any impact on your nose.

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